Saturday, December 31, 2011

Warning: ~ 31/12/2011

Warning: ~
 Do not go into the toilet at 23:59 on the 31/12/11 
you will come out next year..... 
LOL!!! Happy New year to All ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Haha, heard about this!
    Happy New Year 2012~

  2. My dear, i thought we are supposed to go to the loo, to do our whatever last-biz and take our 1st shower, sort of like to forget every bad memory of the past year and start life afresh?? haha. hey, Dear, wish you a fabulous New Year with your new career intake. Love & Miss you.

  3. Hayley: Thnx!
    Claire: That is something new :D
