Sunday, July 10, 2011

My new car - Mini Cooper

I bought a new car today - Mini Cooper and I love it so much!

Actually it's really cheap -  $3.00 only! Hie hie hie! Ok, you can pick up your jaw now, it's a toy actually.

You can buy this purchase with purchase of  Finger Lickin Good aka KFC - Ole Pocketful Combo Set meal for only $3.00 or u can buy it solo for only $3.80 ;)

Bryan loves it so much. I guess all boys just love Cars :)

I'm thankful for those in my life that put a smile on my face and in my heart <3


  1. got two?

    I have blue one...or at least had....for 24 hrs before it was destroyer. 1st the bumper part was loosen after a few falls. Then follow by the roof come off with the mirror. Hey! inside the cars they really built in car seats too. Mamarazzi thought it was empty

  2. I got 3 actually, Yellow, red & Grey colours. You makes me wonder how u play ur mini cooper?! lol!!! Yes, I did notice that they have car seats too cos the red & silver mini are convertible :)

  3. Cool trim! My brother has been collecting small cars like this since he was little. Some of them are still on the box and some he put in a class drawer for display. He actually has a customized class table with some of his collection underneath the class top. They are very nice room accent! Try it!

    Jolandi Kerstetter

  4. Jolandi, it's hard to keep a 3yrs old boy's hand off a toy car unless u hide it. But I will do that when Bryan is alot bigger. Thanks :)

  5. It's very ironic that boys, as young as they are, already love to play cars. Bryan's smile is so wide there, and it shows that he's very happy with it. How are his cars now, BTW?

    [Clint Moore]

  6. Boys of all ages really love cars! I can say that Bryan already has a good taste for cars. Anyway, how old is he?

    -Timmy Radloff
